
NE Wyoming News

Monday, March 10, 2025

Amount of taxpayer-funded subsidies plummet in cities associated with Johnson County in 2021

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Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock

Farms throughout cities in Johnson County received $1.1 million less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 193 farmers in cities within Johnson County received a total of $7.4 million in 448 farm subsidies, a 12.9% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $8.4 million in 504 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with Johnson County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
Culliton Livestock, Inc.$295,527$574,98394.6%
Belus Brothers, Inc.$336,305$429,52027.7%
Bootjack Ranch, Inc.$170,864$277,69862.5%
Cross H Ranch, Inc.$111,456$195,11875.1%
William D. Ramsbottom$250,000$183,403-26.6%
2 K Cattle Company, LLC$206,085$158,071-23.3%
Hip Investments, LLC$117,897$157,09433.2%
Camino & Son, LLC$160,760$156,180-2.8%
Spacious Skies, LLC$0$156,085--
Gosney Ranch$117,254$151,30829%
Dan Lawrence$135,754$148,7329.6%
Michael I. Lohse$115,972$145,59525.5%
Joseph F Reculusa$186,125$144,021-22.6%
Rule Livestock, LLC$152,207$142,499-6.4%
Hole-in-the-Wall Livestock Company, LLC$0$132,971--
Robin Taylor$96,231$132,42937.6%
Thomas R. Lohse$95,703$122,63928.1%
Zachary Davis$163,795$122,206-25.4%
Dead Horse Creek Cattle Company, LLC$103,895$115,99511.6%
V F Cattle Company$105,235$109,7204.3%
Bobby Joe Spellman$22,248$103,046363.2%
Bray Cattle Company, LLC$54,175$97,85680.6%
Red Fork Ranch, LLC$108,465$96,670-10.9%
Largent & Sons, Inc.$42,619$93,400119.2%
Four Mile Ranch, Inc.$32,904$90,972176.5%
Adami Ranch, LLC$52,248$90,56973.3%
John H. Kinchen$49,038$88,25980%
Patrick B. Long$56,991$87,74954%
Donald A. Peterson$58,058$81,28440%
Timothy Reimler$70,573$69,176-2%
Johnson & Rogers Cattle Company$61,385$68,62411.8%
Dave Watt Ranch, LLC$64,627$67,7634.9%
6 F Livestock, LLC$97,548$65,194-33.2%
Michael James Curuchet$136,885$65,070-52.5%
Cross Crown, LLC$60,892$64,2065.4%
McKenzie Kate Harlan$61,667$63,8673.6%
Fieldgrove Ranch, LLC$27,927$61,019118.5%
Zezas Ranch, Inc.$52,076$59,76614.8%
Robert J. Harlan$307,363$57,883-81.2%
Harlan Livestock, LLC$120,270$57,528-52.2%
Michael W. Harper$16,830$56,068233.1%
Bryan Long$82,759$55,815-32.6%
48 Ranch, LLC$34,897$54,70856.8%
John F. Wright$42,658$52,36022.7%
Daniel E. Mahoney$56,145$50,739-9.6%
Larry Brubaker$45,543$49,0217.6%
Jeremy Yeager$52,814$48,003-9.1%
Hepp Livestock$35,042$47,89636.7%
Daniel N. Fraker$46,559$46,8050.5%
Wade C Curuchet$82,455$45,956-44.3%
T Pierson Cattle Company$24,404$44,12680.8%
Brett Delapp$0$44,001--
Rafter L. Ranch$35,254$43,79724.2%
Dennis T. Hepp$26,623$42,35359.1%
Purdy Ranch, LLC$41,567$42,1521.4%
DRY Creek Cattle Company, LLC$133,127$42,138-68.3%
James Schiermiester$15,015$41,494176.4%
Meike Ranch, Inc.$171,378$40,306-76.5%
Indian Creek Land Company, LLC$16,566$39,770140.1%
Allan J. Perry$20,163$35,87377.9%
Tye Curuchet$21,065$32,53954.5%
Hugh Turk$27,115$30,12111.1%
James C. Eklund$0$30,030--
Bruce D. Pheasant$27,387$28,5964.4%
James Hakert$16,703$28,08768.2%
SW Land & Cattle, LLC$98,534$26,211-73.4%
Ethan Hepp$13,143$25,19391.7%
Raymon Turk$44,664$25,166-43.7%
Blue Creek Ranch - Kithas$16,476$24,46948.5%
Ronald Christensen$18,601$24,12929.7%
Fred J. Carr$27,001$24,118-10.7%
Roberto Garcia$15,114$24,03259%
Bear Track Land & Livestock, Inc.$33,186$23,648-28.7%
Forbes Ranch$27,782$23,296-16.1%
Wohlbrandt Ranch, Inc.$19,406$23,08118.9%
Hall Ranch$43,028$22,676-47.3%
Robie N. Stafford$0$22,446--
Harlan Angus, LLC$95,188$21,785-77.1%
Vignaroli Ranch Company$65,629$21,695-66.9%
William Paxton Irvine$8,085$21,236162.7%
William R. Long$24,676$20,161-18.3%
Talbot D. Koch$18,889$20,1306.6%
Roduner Cattle, Inc.$16,220$19,27918.9%
John Zezas & Sons Ranch, Inc.$196$18,9089,546.9%
Julie A. Silbernagel$18,448$18,4480%
Linda L Lulias$11,396$18,11659%
Robert Henry Borgialli$39,144$17,281-55.9%
Goddard Ranch Limited Liability Company$0$16,934--
Allison Jarrard$55,059$16,793-69.5%
Gary M. Godley$6,852$16,633142.7%
Lawrence Land Company, Inc.$9,161$15,58470.1%
Sandy Bob Forbes$10,937$14,91136.3%
North Fork Ranch, Inc.$61,243$14,712-76%
Retha Moffett$5,148$14,701185.6%
Michael M. Rodriguez$27,299$13,722-49.7%
Cody Shaw$55,616$13,042-76.5%
Dale Graves$13,109$12,974-1%
Richard Hakert$15,064$12,793-15.1%
Jason Rodriguez$14,223$12,543-11.8%
Kurt Kinghorn$48,469$12,210-74.8%
Wayne Graves$48,747$11,794-75.8%
Ellis Black$11,839$11,567-2.3%
K & L Cattle Company, Inc.$305,936$11,274-96.3%
Walter L. Elm$78,916$10,188-87.1%
Sussex Ranch Limited Liability Company$52,978$10,117-80.9%
Klondike Ranch Limited Partnership$0$9,165--
Patchwork Partners Limited Partne$9,970$9,083-8.9%
Tamara J Kramer Living Trust$8,777$8,7770%
Harry D. Straub Jr.$9,091$8,665-4.7%
Harlan Bradshaw$0$8,608--
North Powder Ranch, Inc.$28,220$8,324-70.5%
Antonio L. Rodriguez$0$8,072--
Bonnie L. Peyrot$0$7,782--
David B. Soppe$26,832$7,602-71.7%
Shannon D. Taylor$9,427$7,450-21%
Tyler Benton$11,353$7,382-35%
Susan M. Moyes$618$6,795999.5%
Hash Knife Ranch$8,143$6,416-21.2%
Gerry J. Miller$19,156$6,224-67.5%
Rosemary McGivney$10,420$6,201-40.5%
GM Livestock, Inc.$41,850$6,101-85.4%
Johnny Zezas JR$27,654$5,924-78.6%
Joseph Tyler Scales$16,503$5,585-66.2%
Hugh Ronald McPhee$2,836$5,48593.4%
Beau Ledoux$24,123$5,129-78.7%
Karen K Kithas$23,969$5,016-79.1%
Charlie Bradshaw$16,434$4,948-69.9%
Casey E. Farris$11,799$4,615-60.9%
Jim Zezas$22,318$4,471-80%
Travis Hakert$6,108$4,333-29.1%
Curutchet Livestock Company, LLC$11,193$4,240-62.1%
Dianne Farris$11,759$4,197-64.3%
Victor Goni$13,780$4,195-69.6%
Miles Rives$25,551$3,865-84.9%
John P. Hansen$12,496$3,621-71%
Patrick Reo Lohse$19,623$3,522-82.1%
Chris Brock$2,860$3,50022.4%
Norman Streeter$15,664$3,222-79.4%
Tiffany Rives$0$3,021--
Donita Lenz$0$2,896--
Joe Reiner$4,367$2,660-39.1%
Jess Troutman$5,946$2,554-57%
Dola B Schaal$3,096$2,543-17.9%
Richard W. Farris$11,506$2,474-78.5%
Levi J. Gay$3,058$2,460-19.6%
Shaymus E Wyman$0$2,381--
Saylor Brubaker$11,043$2,316-79%
Tracey E Firnekas$12,224$2,229-81.8%
Samuel S. Miller$1,144$2,16589.2%
Lohse Farms, LLC$6,706$2,096-68.7%
Seth D. Thiele$4,741$2,087-56%
Ann Marie Reiner$2,695$2,055-23.7%
Janine Foley$8,734$1,943-77.8%
Jayson Foss$9,243$1,942-79%
Pamela Kinchen$2,002$1,909-4.6%
Justin Hammerich$9,134$1,854-79.7%
Matthew Carr$9,243$1,843-80.1%
Roger Bronnenberg$649$1,831182.1%
Lyle Lund$12,788$1,613-87.4%
Wes Ackerson$14,951$1,550-89.6%
Jayson Layne Rodriguez$7,502$1,504-80%
Travis Baker$5,071$1,250-75.4%
Fraley Land & Livestock, LLC$5,418$1,223-77.4%
Lisa Keeler$7,363$1,194-83.8%
Sara Goni$907$1,18530.7%
Donald J. Camino$5,632$1,136-79.8%
Verplancke Farm Partnership$52$1,1172,048.1%
Dalton Portwine$1,219$1,037-14.9%
Miller Sand Creek Ranch, LLC$1,050$941-10.4%
Lloyd J. Morrow$0$936--
Connie Bacon$1,546$933-39.7%
Harold W & Linda Lee O'Donnell Trust$0$874--
Big Horn Land and Trucks, LLC$1,782$870-51.2%
Richard Myers$4,847$859-82.3%
Angie Long$4,921$840-82.9%
William Johnstone$12,597$837-93.4%
Bob B Blaine and Rita R Blaine IRRV Fam Trustee$3,278$767-76.6%
William J. Novotny III$2,854$724-74.6%
Ona Golter$3,476$696-80%
Margo K. Johnson$1,684$646-61.6%
Wade A. Roebling$4,792$633-86.8%
Betty J. Rodriguez$21,562$564-97.4%
Dennis Zezas$2,222$422-81%
Byron W. Geis$4,011$419-89.6%
Quinten S. Taylor$11,926$393-96.7%
John G. Driskill$3,685$345-90.6%
Lori a Strandholm$319$318-0.3%
Jake Underwood$1,771$267-84.9%
Brice Daniel Fauber$550$257-53.3%
Red Fork Farmstead, LLC$24,907$143-99.4%
Sharon Greub$0$55--
Garry Helpingstine$220$54-75.5%
Oddysea Lawrence$88$26-70.5%
Bethany Hunt$1,026$0-100%
Borgialli Ranch, LLC$28,988$0-100%
Brian Carl Hughes$8$0-100%
Celia A. Bolinger$2,295$0-100%
Donald C Crane Revocable Trust$7,078$0-100%
Gerald B. Patterson$660$0-100%
Goddard Ranch Limited Liability C$12,507$0-100%
Harold W & Linda Lee O'Donnell Trustee$3,998$0-100%
Kim Walgren Living Trust$121$0-100%
Klondike Ranch Limited Partnershi$23,474$0-100%
Richard Lenz$3,288$0-100%
Wyoming Bee Maid Honey$92,335$0-100%
Ayanah N Santiago$1,432$0-100%
Elizabeth Firnekas$14,976$0-100%
H2 Livestock$354,815$0-100%
Hole-in-the-Wall Livestock Compan$86,438$0-100%
John Kinchen$48,346$0-100%
Kelly Winsor$4,236$0-100%
Larissa Smith$2,030$0-100%
Rob N. Stafford$21,087$0-100%
Total subsidies$8,444,682$7,357,320-12.9%



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